Hi, I'm Mashrur, an aspiring creative developer, Thank you for taking the time to look around, hope you'll enjoy the visit.
Animated Galaxy Generator
This project was created to practice shader programming in Three.js. Here we create the objects using point geoemtry and utilize elapsed time factor, along with bounded randomness to generate the galaxy.
Raging Sea
This project is created to learn time based trigonometric animation, where a plane is animated on its X and Z axis against time and 3d perlin noise, also sending the elivation values to fragment shader to calculate the colors based on height of the waves.
Haunted House
A 3d stage where lights are animated based on simple sine waves, randomized boxes were used to simulate graves, lighting and fog was added to give the spooky feel.
Appreciation Text
This project was created to learn about the font loaders and playing around with the text geoemetry class in Three.js
Previous Portfolio
The previous static portfolio was creating using Gatsby/React and Strapi backend.